Gloria J. Browne-Marshall is a legal correspondent, an associate professor of constitutional law at John Jay College (CUNY), and a civil-rights attorney. She reports on the U.S. Supreme Court and the United Nations in her award-winning syndicated newspaper column. Gloria hosts the weekly radio program "Law of the Land with Gloria J. Browne-Marshall" on WBAI 99.5FM, wbai.org in New York City. She covered President Obama's receipt of the Noble Peace Prize in Oslo, Norway, and the 2012 Presidential election, Democratic and Republican debates and National Conventions.
Gloria is an arts critic who has covered the Cannes Film Festival, Sundance Film Festival, and Broadway. She is the author of the recent book "The Voting Rights War: The NAACP and the Ongoing Struggle for Justice." She is the author of the seminal book "Race, Law, and American Society: 1607 to present" as well as textbooks and articles on constitutional law and international human rights issues. She is the founder/director of The Law and Policy Group, Inc..
Gloria J. Browne-Marshall has provided legal commentary for BBC, MSNBC, CNN, CBS, ABC, NPR, C-SPAN, WVON, dozens of newspapers, and other media nationally and internationally. She is a theater producer and an award-winning playwright. Gloria is a requested speaker, nationally and internationally, on issues of law, politics and equal justice. Gloria has spoken to religious groups, legal organizations, journalists as well as government, education, social and corporate audiences. She was an invited speaker at the National Press Club, on Capitol Hill and college campuses.