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Charting a New Agenda in a Rapidly Changing World

Updated: Jan 15, 2021

As the world enters 2021, concurrent global crisis of pandemic disease, economic contraction, systemic inequities, and severe environmental degradation are evolving amid a rebirth of nationalism, rapid technological change, hyper-fragmented public debates, and breakdowns in international cooperation. Against that backdrop the strategic goals for 2021, established by the Women's Leadership Institute, form a crucial guide for charting a new course toward economic, social, and environmental progress.

The Women's Leadership Institute is committed to supporting networked social leadership for diversity and inclusion. Throughout its history the Women's Leadership Institute stakeholders have taken powerful positions on issues of inequality and inequity. These matters are extraordinarily important to the mission of our organization. We will continue to take strong and unambiguous public positions that support the inclusion of underserved and vulnerable populations. Our voice matters a great deal during these times, and we are enormously proud of those members of our community who continue to speak out on issues of race, racism and inequality in America. Women’s Leadership Institute now and in the future, will serve as a beacon of light on behalf of social justice and opportunity for those of African descent and a loud voice of condemnation of bigotry and racism.

Unaddressed systemic racism is a painful legacy, and in many ways the most hateful remnants of slavery that persists today. The reality of this history has been on display in recent months and has been exacerbated by the collapse of civic authority and public trust in the face of an on-rushing pandemic.

Amid the rising deaths, infections, and economic implosion of the COVID-19 pandemic, people of African descent have experienced a disproportionate share of the disruption - from morbidity and mortality to unemployment and financial downturn.

Indeed, the pandemic underscores the consequences of the structural disparities that have persisted in this country for centuries, it has also presented an opportunity to invest in building more equitable systems that will benefit society overall.

The COVID- 19 enormous impact on the black community reflects public health and socioeconomic disparities that have long been intertwined. The pandemic is an opportunity to invest in addressing structural challenges to help black Americans recover, build and sustain more equitable communities.

The Women’s Leadership Institute proposes in its strategic goals to improve conditions for black Americans by partnering with Institutions of higher education and corporations to support equity in training, compensation and career progression. The Women’s Leadership Institute has reviewed data and researched current circumstances to formulate transformational interventions in response to the COVID- 19 to fortify black communities and help them do more than simply recover.

The 1st order of business in 2021 will be to determine how best to navigate the second year of the pandemic. These are painful times, but this nation has the resources to meet the needs of those most affected by the ongoing health and economic crisis. Our leaders can respond in ways that enable people to thrive despite the extraordinary times we are experiencing. Our nation must choose to act with the urgency our people deserve.

About WLI

The Women's Leadership Institute is an organization established to advance and improve the personal, economic and professional status of women/girls. Activities and programs are designed to engage women/girls in development initiatives to attract, develop, retain and promote talented women/girls seeking leadership development or enhancement. We connect women across industries and demographics to help women/girls address their most important leadership issues. Given current circumstances WLI’s scope of services has expanded to assist the black community without regard to age or gender.

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